The Promised Neverland Fanbook: Vol. 0 Mystic Code - (5)

 Pages: 157-186 


Paradise Hideout & the Seven Walls

~: Commentary (ch. 118-144) :~

[Kaiu Shirai: TPN manga's author | Sugita Suguru: TPN's editor in charge | Posuka Demizu: TPN's artist] 

Meaning of the scripts that everyone held

Shirai loves the anime release celebratory color page drawn for chapter 118. Shirai and Posuka visited the studio's recording site before season 1 premiered. Posuka drew this color page for the following week's chapter.
There's a concept that the remaining pages of everyone's scripts here hint at the remaining lifespan of the characters. Ray has two scripts - one would wonder which script is real. This detail was specifically for season 1 which focused on the first arc.

A series of unreasonable asks to Demizu sensei continues! Even though my storyboard page for this double spread was almost empty, the wonder of the beautiful hideout drawn by Demizu sensei! -Shirai

Reunion with Norman

Norman finally appeared after ~10 volumes in WSJ magazine's 2019 new year merger issue (#6+7). Initially, Norman posing as William Minerva wasn't planned. But when William Minerva was introduced, it was decided that Norman would take Minerva's disguise at some point. The idea became real after 10 volumes.
It was the first time Emma cried since chapter 1. Emma tried her best not to cry all along for the promise she made in chapter 1 ("I won't cry anymore") but ended up crying when she met Norman.
While checking the storyboard, Sugita complained about the empty right side of the spread where Emma runs at Norman, but Shirai said it's okay.

To explain the correct interpretation of Ray's words: "生きててよかった ", Shirai says "who Ray implied" was intentionally left unspecified. He wants it to be interpreted widely for all possible meanings. (T/N: "ikitete yokattta" is a vague statement that can be translated as "I'm glad you're alive", or "I'm glad I'm alive", or "I'm glad we both/ all of us are alive." According to a Japanese poll, most Japanese readers interpreted it as "I'm glad we're both alive" or "I'm glad you're alive". But the following sentence "And don't ever try to die again either" suggests "I'm glad I'm alive" may be the best translation.)

Shirai's storyboard (from exhibition goods preview)

Posuka's draft

Lambda escape that couldn't be drawn

A chapter focusing on escaping from Lambda with Smee's help was planned to be written, but it was eventually omitted. The readers' demands aside, the editorial dept. also suggested a chapter on Lambda escape. But Shirai had to cut it off to keep the main plot on track. The series could be completed in 20 volumes because the plot branches were minimized to avoid confusing the readers or making the story complicated.

A powerful front page

On the TPN exhibition venue plate, Posuka's comment for chapter 119 color spread was "I wasn't enthusiastic about it at first." Posuka didn't have time, so she couldn't add many details on the right side of the illustration. This color spread and volume 12 cover were listed in Posuka's "My least confident arts" series. However, both were highly praised by the readers. Posuka was confused by the positive reception.
Shirai received the color spread from Posuka during a studio tour with Sugita to watch the recording of anime season 1 finale. He was immediately impressed by it.

The horizontal gene transfer setting

Chapter 120 explained the demons' biological evolution - a background that was set during the first arc. Demons are called in various terms such as monsters, gods, devils etc. The Japanese words "Oni" and "Hyakki Yako" encompass the etymology of supernatural creatures that aren't properly understood. The existence of demon-like creatures makes a parallel between TPN's world and the real world. Demons and Youkais were worshipped about 1000 years ago, but the old folklores have slowly disappeared and the terms are no longer used to refer to any creature. This was a reason to select the "1000 years old" history setting in TPN. It's possible that the demon god's dragon developed its appearance by consuming lizards and birds. It's also possible that Sonju's horse would've been referred to as a unicorn in ancient times.

Following the history of the demons, the details of Lambda unfolded. Subsequently, Norman's darker aura could be seen. Norman made his decisions following Emma's desire to create a world safe for the humans, but Emma's empathy had extended to the demons by that time. The reason Norman admired Emma caused their ways to diverge at the same time.
Shirai notes that Norman had a short lifespan and couldn't build the world Emma desired without killing the demons. Norman wanted to ensure a safe world for Emma and everyone. Shirai thinks Norman might've chosen a slightly different method if he wasn't running out of time.

Norman with his siblings, and...

Norman started smiling in the latter half of chapter 121. Shirai and Sugita praise Thoma, Lannion and Anna's expressions. It was impossible to proceed with the story in a natural way without slowing down the pace to show the joy and relief of reunion.

Sugita points out Emma's subtle sadness in various scenes even in the happy atmosphere. She had a premonition of disagreements with Norman, but the joy of meeting him surpassed in the smiles drawn by Posuka. Sugita wanted to see the scene of the trio falling asleep together, but it was painful because Emma and Norman's ways separated. 
In the initial concept, Shirai wanted Norman to reappear as a different person and gave him a slightly different design. But Norman in Posuka's arts seemed to follow a natural growth of his younger self, so Shirai discarded the idea. The storyboards had some leftovers of the old design.

Shirai's storyboard for chapter 119.
(T/N: The last sentence wasn't present in the final version of the chapter: "I let you go away, it was me. To a place where you won't return from.") 

Chapter 119 storyboard shows the remnants of Noman's initial concept design. Compared to the storyboard for chapter 127, the difference in the length of his bangs was noticeable. Shirai recalled, "It started getting shorter little by little from chapter 121; and in chapter 125, it was the complete return of short hair."

Ideas for resolving disagreements

Finally, Emma expressed her reluctance to kill the demons. Shirai and Sugita praise Ray's counseling. Shirai himself was impressed by Ray's outstanding growth, as he wanted to remove Ray after the first arc. He remarks that Ray lives on while carrying the weight of various acts which allows him to see his surroundings far more maturely than someone from his age.
After the farm escape events, Ray was determined not to let Norman die. Sugita reflects on the rotation in the cycle of saving each other. Ray was saved by Norman and Emma in the first arc. Here, Ray and Emma save Norman. Finally, Emma was saved by Norman and Ray. 
The storyboards for chapters 122 and 123 were influenced by idol group Arashi's activity suspension interview (suggested by Sugita). Shirai was inspired by their press conference statement "We've all thought about it thoroughly and together and came up with an answer", and figured Emma and her friends needed to do the same. 

The making of Cislo and Barbara's appearances 

Cislo's character design drafts by Posuka

Shirai was glad he could add some details that he listed in the early concept, such as Barbara's habit of eating demon meat. Similar to Hayato and Jin, Cislo and Barbara were modeled after Bartolomeo from One Piece to add a slight comedy. Shirai wished they could interact with Emma's side more. During serialization concept stage, Shirai thought about their animosity towards other farm children due to the difference of the farms ("pampered children from Grace Field who never knew about real hardship" etc) but Cislo and Barbara got along with them relatively well. It was unfortunate that a value-driven argument between the two sides followed soon afterward.

A different Geelan in the earlier plot

Geelan's design drafts.
Source: Quarterly S magazine interview (thanks @eerippo!)

Unlike most demons who wear dark-colored clothes, Geelan wore white. He was an elegant, tall and white aristocrat who had fallen into stray state. Geelan's previous design was undecided at the time of his first appearance. Sugita started saying "wouldn't it be great if Geelan was beautiful in the past? Let's make his previous version really beautiful!" As a result, Geelan's elegant design was born. Personally, Shirai visualized his stray form as Okkotonushi from Mononoke Hime. One of Geelan's design notes was "A walking Christmas tree."
Due to the class system in the demon society, it was natural that some demons wouldn't care about farm rules. Shirai's plan was to use the thief demons during Grace Field infiltration. Their role in the story was later changed because Norman was the type of person who'd surely take an opportunity to use them. Later, it was decided to make them former aristocrats instead of regular bandits.

Geelan, as drawn in Shirai's storyboard. Based on this, Posuka's description "A walking Christmas tree" was born.

Evil blooded girl, Mujika

The first page of chapter 127 was inspired by 'Dialogue on Poverty' (Hinkyuu Mondo ka) from Manyoshu poem collection. The empty pot and spiderweb were to indicate nothing had been cooked for a long time.
Mujika was born with a mutation that came as a gift for the demon society. One of the bases for Miyazaki's film Nausicaa: Valley of the Wind was the history of the emergence of mercury decomposing microorganisms that cleaned up the sea from an unrecoverable state. Inspired by that, Mujika's concept was the emergence of a natural solution when the demons could no longer eat humans. Another concept for Mujika's origin was her parents prayed for everyone to be able to eat properly, and Mujika was born from their prayers. The demon royalty abused Mujika's power, and the evil blooded clan became extinct.

Dozza and Geelan appeared in a flashback shown in chapter 127. By that time, Geelan's elegant past appearance was decided. Shirai says if it was decided from the very beginning, he would've made Geelan's speeches a little cooler in chapter 125.
Chris appeared in chapter 126. At first, the plan was to let him wake up during Emma and Ray's Seven walls visit. But when it was postponed (because he wouldn't understand what's going on), Shirai had to prolong his comatose by passing on the chance to wake him up a few more times. In the end, Chris couldn't wake up onscreen. [More details will come later]

The crack

From chapter 127, Norman's change could be properly seen. Norman spent two years in loneliness without any reliable adult and only met terrible demons. His shipment created a complex within him about never losing again, so there might've been a wish for revenge.
Shirai and Sugita wanted Emma to refuse to kill the demons, but that alone wouldn't convince the readers to support her. It's easier to earn the readers' empathy if the aim was 'not letting a friend kill himself'. Shirai was committed to properly conveying that feeling in chapter 128.
Shirai thinks he could've proceeded with the story without writing this chapter, but he wanted to refute Norman's method. It was difficult because Norman was correct. He had to desperately look for a way to counter Norman's argument. Reading back, however, Shirai thinks Emma didn't lose the argument at all and had her own way of being correct. Shirai wanted to pass on the words to Norman that Emma could say rather easily, "You don't have to be a god."

Norman was capable of doing various things, so his weakness was his tendency to fight alone. As per the old sayings, boys need to step up and carry certain responsibilities on their backs. Talking back was a sign of weakness. From all TPN characters, Shirai thinks Norman's mindset was the closest to such beliefs - "mustn't be uncool in front of a girl (Emma)", "never whine or complain", and "must be strong". To save Norman was to save him from such mindset (the self-imposed principles). Even before starting TPN serialization, Shirai decided to make him say "help me" as a part of his growth. 

Lambda's seizures came from the actual experiences of Shirai sensei

Chapter 129 was written to show the responsibility Norman carried on his back. Shirai says he requested the 'god or devil' panel because everything becomes cool when drawn by Posuka.

From Volume 12-13 release onwards, Shirai experienced severe headaches every day. He wrote Lambda's seizures thinking about his own experience. Following Sugita's suggestion, he had to tone down the depiction of pain in the storyboard.

The five reagents and the Queen

Usually, I see Jump magazine when the sample magazine is printed, but I got to see the Jump issue's cover for chapter 131 in advance. "The door looks so good!", I thought, and made it appear in chapter 131.

Inverting the background's black and white (like a negative photograpth) was inspired by the concept "There's an upside down version of every place" from the western film Stranger Things, which Sugita san suggested me earlier. I thought the idea was interesting. -Shirai

Posuka designed the five reagents for chapter 131. Dozza and Yverk's designs already existed at that time, so she had to design the remaining three reagents, the Queen and her maidens in a short time. It was difficult to express everyone's personality. Dozza was an arrogant upstart. Yverk was an aristocrat who was around for a long time. Bayon Jr. was Bayon's serious natured son. Pupo had the image of a harmless old man; Shirai and Sugita wanted to make him flashy and dumb like the World Nobles from One Piece. Noum had the image of a young, serious and excellent Patriarch (like a character from Game of Thrones). Leglavalima was Leuvis's sister. She's the strong, fearsome and charismatic Queen who held dignity and beauty. Her design was a mixture of Royalties from Europe and China.

Shirai's draft for the Reagents

Shirai's draft for the Queen with instruction notes to Posuka.
Rough translation: "A suitable pose, if you may. The image is Elizabeth 1, but I'd appreciate if you create a design that suits your taste. Strong, fearsome, beautiful, eerie, divine, dominating (etc.) as the Queen who rules over the demon world. I'd be happy if you can show such type of awesomeness, excuse me."

At first, Shirai and Sugita wanted to introduce a King rather than a Queen. But 'Leuvis's older sister' gives off a scarier image than 'Leuvis's older brother.' Mom was TPN's first enemy, so one of the Queen being one of the final enemies made it well balanced. The editorial department was surprised and impressed by the decision to make the Royalty a Queen.

This and that of the Seven Walls

'The Seven walls' combines different elements of children's stories, spirituality, physics and science fiction. It's a place where the power of will acts very strongly. What someone fears may become a reality. At the same time, one can change the world by making a wish or believing. In philosophical terms, it's close to the consciousness theories. Additionally, Sugita wanted to add some hypotheses and experiments of quantum mechanics.
Some SciFi movies such as Interstellar, Spiderverse and the Matrix were used as references. Shirai took inspiration from Hiroko Tanimiya's song "Makkura Mori no Uta" (Song of the Pitch Black Forest). Many chibi versions of Emma and Ray were added to make the nonsensical nature of the Seven Walls enjoyable to read.

A decision that time and the tears that were shed

Chapter 134 had only 11 pages. Shirai had a cold for 4 months that worsened even after taking care of his health, so he had to take a week's break.
Mangaka who draw their manga themselves can take a week's suspension if they fail to complete their manuscript due to sickness. Author-onlies have to submit a leave application. Shirai admits that he cried in frustration, as it was hard for him to make his own decision and ask "please let me rest."
Under such circumstances, Shirai could write 11 pages before taking a break. Chapter 134 was also the first chapter for the 16th volume. To create an impact, Shirai decided to turn Ray into an old man.

Image distortion effects made the chapter difficult to draw. Posuka later informed that drawing this chapter required as much effort as a regular 19-page chapter.

The birth of Ayshe and the editor's wish

The Seven walls was difficult to write, so Ayshe and Don/Gilda's side of the story was sandwiched between them. Writing Ayshe's side centric chapters was healing for Shirai.
Ayshe's first design was drafted after the first arc. She initially had an older woman's design; which was then changed to a wilder design with furry arms. She had a scar on her face in all versions. How she got the scar was unknown.

Ayshe's design proposal by Demizu sensei

Ayshe's "wild" version by Demizu sensei 

Sugita thought the furry design was unique, but he suggested making her a prettier girl with a mysterious atmosphere. Regarding her current design, Sugita said "Give her a design that'd make one want to cosplay as her." Shirai jokingly says he hasn't seen an Ayshe cosplay yet. Probably three big dogs make her a difficult choice for cosplaying. 
Various photos of pretty women from around the world (such as Chloe Grace Moretz) were sent to Posuka to use as references. 

Ayshe's writing and the contrasting relationships

I wrote about the demons in the Goldy Pond arc already, but then I went a step further and showed the lives of the demons that live normally and cherish their families...not the scary ones like the Goldy Pond demons. By the way, the Goldy pond kids started hesitating to kill the demons after seeing Nous "crying" for Nouma. Perhaps it helped them to agree with Emma. They hated the demons like Norman's side, but they could also understand them somehow.

Shirai researched on San from Mononoke to bring out Ayshe's charm. Among all Jump titles, TPN is perhaps the most Ghibli-influenced series. Sugita recommended the Harry Potter series which Shirai could complete during writing the Seven Walls arc.
Ayshe's concept was in Shirai's mind from the beginning. He once considered discarding her concept to keep the story branches minimized. Fortunately, he had the chance to introduce her during the search for Mujika. 
Ayshe's past was decided a long time ago. She was positioned as a girl who was raised as a demon's pet but didn't hate the demons. Similarly, Shirai's initial post-escape plan for Norman was to have him locked inside a mass production farm like a demon's pet. It could create a contrast between him and Ayshe.
Ray and Ayshe contrasted each other, as well. Ayshe had a 'monster but lovable' father and Ray had a 'human but monster-like mother. In that sense, Shirai wondered if Ayshe could be a partner for Ray if he were to have one. But then he humorously thought "Ray, that's unfair!" because Ayshe's design was very pretty. Eventually, he didn't make the two interact.
There wasn't any specific story behind Ayshe's dad's scar. The deformed face was an accidental abnormality.  To answer the question he left in Vol. 16 author's comment ("There are few demons who can use the demon language now, then why did that demon /*Ayshe's dad/ use it?"), Shirai states - Ayshe's dad was a former aristocrat, so he knew the demon language. When his face structure collapsed, he couldn't stay home and live a hidden life. Shirai wanted to write an offscene /extra to reveal it, but it wasn't interesting enough.

A shocking fact about the Bayon Family?! That is, the firstborn child in the family was a girl. Actually, I wrote "two sons" in my storyboard, but Demizu sensei drew the older one as a girl. In the exhibition booklet interview, Demizu sensei's answer to the question regarding the most difficult unreasonable swing from me was "It wasn't unreasonable, but what shocked me was that the Bayon children died too soon." Demizu sensei drew a girl while imagining various things, such as her becoming a friend of Emma. But the girl died in a second. How cruel was that? If I heard it beforehand, maybe I would've made her appear more.-Shirai

The betrayal concept and Lambda's story

Shirai and Sugita wanted to use Hayato and Jin as spies. Finally, an opportunity came to use them as the spies in Don's team.
Hayato and Jin were very young. The research facilities derived from Lambda 7214 used advanced technology and Lambda's research findings. Being born in those facilities, Hayato and Jin (2 years old, almost the same age as Carol) grew faster than Zazie (5 years old; younger than Phil).

Vincent's design proposal by Demizu sensei

Vincent wore a fancy suit in chapter 137. He's fashionable and picky with his clothes. Posuka designed him based on the Sapeurs from Africa. Readers might wonder if Vincent really had a good fashion sense, but Shirai thinks he's good at it. The jacket with "Boss" prints all over it was an exception.

The four-dimensional hypercube and the Demon god

Shirai recommends checking out 4-D hypercubes on Youtube. The shape is dynamic, so it's difficult to express in a still image. However, Posuka made it look attractive.

It was difficult for Ray to truly believe that he can meet the demon god, so he couldn't cross the world. Demon god's concept was inspired by the theory of barracudas (カマス理論, learned helplessness): if a glass plate is placed inside an aquarium, the fishes wouldn't go near it for avoiding a collision. Even when the glass plate is removed, they wouldn't try to cross to the other side (so the glass still works as a wall even when it's absent). Similarly, humans are prone to build their own walls and remain within their boundaries. Emma was an exception as she can push herself beyond the walls of 'impossible'.

When Emma arrived at the Day and Night, the demon god's physical appearance transformed. It was a remnant of Shirai's unused setting: "demon god's appearance is different in different times of the day. He's a child in the morning, a younger person in the daytime and an older person in the evening." The concept was similar to that of Shishigami from Mononoke Hime. The younger appearance wasn't demon god's only true appearance.

Sugita wanted to use an unusual font for demon god's quotes. Shirai didn't know the name of the font, so he used to call it "Voice of Terada Kokoro kun font". He light-heartedly apologizes to the child actor for using his name without permission.

Ancestors from 1000 years in the past

Emma was asked to give a reward. The demon god wasn't limited to the lower level of greed, he takes what one would hate to give the most. Julius had to give up on the future that he wanted. The reward also took from the demon side. Yverk was supposed to give the most delicious meat to the Queen, but he had to reluctantly give it up. Subsequently, the story of Emma and other children's ancestors unfolded.

Shirai wanted to elaborate on the previous promise, so he decided to show the story of the ancestors. Shirai thinks Julius wasn't a bad person. He was a pure and serious man who couldn't rest for a long time.
The Ratri family was rather close to Emma's (and others') ancestors. The ancestors were designed with a rebirth-like theme. Although the blood thinned a lot in 1000 years, somehow a remnant was visible. When compared with the Grace Field children, one can understand who was blood-related to whom. In the initial concept, there was an idea of Emma and others going on a journey to search for their biological parents.
Before starting the serialization, Shirai once wondered who between Ray and Norman would be a girl if he had to make Emma a boy (to meet the editorial department's requests). He decided Norman might be the girl in such case. Shirai thinks maybe Norman would've looked like the white-haired ancestor lady if he were a girl. 

Blunders of the young Leuvis

Readers asked the reason behind Leuvis looking so old when Sonju looked much younger. It was because he received many wounds and regenerated too much. The more warrior-like a demon was, the faster they aged. The earlier concept also had a note that Leuvis was a combat enthusiast and didn't eat as much as Legravalima. Contrasted with Leuvis, Legravalima was like a beautiful witch who'd do anything to keep her beautiful appearance.

The fulfillment of the promise

Readers also asked about the reason behind Emma not fulfilling the promise immediately. It was because she didn't want the demons to degenerate. She wanted to do something for the demons with Mujika's help before fulfilling the promise.
The change of day and night when Emma heard the reward didn't have any deep meaning. Visually, the night indicated Emma's heart and the change implied her being surprised from the bottom of her heart.

Sonju's words "I'll turn you into meatballs" finally appeared, it's a line I've always wanted him to say - even before the series began!
Before the serialization, there was an idea where Norman's minions caught Mujika and then Sonju said it angrily. Here, I thought, "Ah, maybe I can plug it in!"-Shirai

~: Shirai Sensei’s QnA Pt. 5 (Answering the Readers) :~

Q. In volume 16 ch 137, when Ray said “Could <demon god> be-“ what did he mean?

A. A higher dimensional existence.

Q. What is the special cloth Julius was wearing when visiting 7 walls? Did Yverk lend it to him?

A. It’s his own. The armor was for war, and formal wear was for meeting the Royals or visiting the Seven walls.

Q. Demons still use older weapons that they used 1000 years ago. Are they not good at crafting new tools? Do they depend on physical modification by eating higher quality food instead?

A. They didn’t really need to have weapons. Naturally, Royals would eat the better food and become stronger, and others would be killed even if they weilded weapons.

Q. Zazie has both human's and demon's characteristics, is he a hybrid of human and demon?

A. He’s a human.

Q. It seems the Tree shelter was originally a demon village, what was it like?

A. A clan of demons who believed that the current monarchy was a little wrong. They were crushed.

Q. How did Yverk and Julius reach the night and day smoothly?

A. There’s a secret passage. In the current era, only the Queen and Yverk know about it. (Back at the time when Julius crossed, Geelan also knew that those people knew a secret passage.)

Q. What was the embarrassing thing that Norman did as a kid to cure his cold implied in volume 18 (offscene)?

A. It’s a secret, like the story of the Red washbasin man. (T/N: implying that no one knows it and it’s forever an inside joke)

Q. Please tell us the names, origin, status, etc of Julius’ friends.

A. Honestly, I think it's best to see them from a wide and larger perspective as the demon exterminating avengers instead of  people from specific countries or locations. So I wouldn't dare to reveal their nationalities or names. I'm sorry.

Q. Why are Barbara and Cislo brought to Lambda? Are there some standards?

A. Random picks. Quite cruel.

Q. People related to Lambda have some special abilities, so, what kind of special ability does Jin have? 

A. Jin is also fast. He could quickly carry the news of Adam having possible cure to seizures to the shelter.

Q. Where did Zazie's paperbag come from? Did Norman make it? Does he wear a bag because his senses are sensitive?

A. Norman made it. Zazie grew up in a dark room, so he hates lights/electricity.

Q. Norman is the greatest genius in the farm's history. But what criteria was used to decide on Vincent being brought to Lambda? Were his grades good?

A. His grades were very good. That’s why he was brought there. They forced him to undergo brain surgery to determine if he could be pushed further to the level of Norman, that’s the reason behind the scars on his head. His scores improved after the surgery, but he couldn’t reach Norman’s level.

Q. Norman looked at the data of cattle children who were subjected to experiments in Lambda. Did he take a look at his own profile and learn what experiments were done on themselves?

A. He must have.

Q. The giant tree hideout was unknown to ordinary demons. I don't think a human would know about Geelan surviving and retaining his intelligence after being sentenced to stray. Smee must've known a collaborator from the demons who shared the details. Smee also seemed to be in the memory of Leuvis, was Leuvis involved in Smee's netowork?

A. Leuvis shouldn't have involvement with Smee. But I think there were some demon collaborators (When mutual interests and ideas aligned, like Norman and Geelan)

Q. Were Vincent and Yugo in contact in Glory Bell farm? Were their plants different?

A. The plants were different, so no.

Q. What did Ray see and say “huh?” when he, Emma, Anna and Hayato infiltrated mass producing farm?

A. About that! He saw the mass produced children at the bottom part, like what Norman and his friends saw in ch.113. 

Q. Did Norman name the owls?

A. Vincent named the owls, and Norman called them by those names.

Q. When making a promise with the demon god, a warning says the reward mustn't be refused. Is there a punishment if the reward is refused?

A. There's a fear that no one knows what would happen (but something bad might happen).

Q. Why is the demon language no longer used? Why did Ayshe’s dad teach it to her?

A. To separate language from the old (primitive) faith. Also because the general intelligence had fallen. Various reasons. The reason Ayshe learned it was because it was part of her demon father’s culture. He tried to share all his knowledge with her.



  1. Hi Sunny thank you for the translation! ❤️❤️
    I enjoyed the trivias about Ayshe and Norman 😊😊

    1. Hi! Thanks for leaving a comment, your support means a lot! 🥺


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